To understand the existence of Radio Maria Indonesia in Medan, let us take a moment about the history of the formation of the worlds first Radio Maria, the World Family of Radio Maria. The initial broadcast of Radio Maria began in a parish, and later developed into a separate legal entity from the parish, namely the lay and priest PERKUMPULAN (association) in 1987 which managed a Radio Maria network in Italy. In just 5 years, Radio Maria (local) developed into a national Catholic radio network throughout Italy. Although NOT directly related to the Catholic Church, Radio Maria was established and intended as a suggestion of the Church and as a means of evangelization, to spread and instill the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church. Radio Maria was inspired by the messages in the apparition of the Blessed Virgin in Fatima, Portugal, which invited repentance throughout the world. Indeed Radio Maria is not financed by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, but by its listeners. Since 1990 the World Family of Radio Maria (WFRM) was formed as a development of Radio Italia, and followed Pope Paul II 1987s call on the St. Marys field. Peter, who called for the need for new evangelization. Inspired by the Satisfied invitation, Emmanuele Ferrario, as the founder, continued the invitation to form a World Maria Radio association in 58 countries, on the continents of Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East, and America. Radio Maria today operates almost 1800 transmitters throughout the world with various languages.